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Experience Technology

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A new course has started, called Exdperience Technology. The first week we had some basic introduction in xHTML, CSS, PHP and javascript, to put everybody more or less on the same starting line. We didn’t have any external lecturers (I heard Hyper had planned in several people, but they all cancelled). Well, as we obviously are the best crew ever (some pun intended), we took hand of the week ourselves, planned several lectures and workshops, and now everybody in crew 12 can now create a xhtml & css based site that validates xhtml strict.

The xHTML workshops were led by Carl Bock and Erik Johansson aka Tozz. My task here was to assist people with the xhtml & css and I also had a workshop with Arvid Thornström in basic javascript, also explaning the basics of scripting/programming in general. There were loads of requests for a workshop / lecture in more advanced javascript (mostly ajax) and also on workshops about basically everythign that involves flash, so I’ll see if when we can arrange that. Crew 12, you’ll get ‘em, i promise 😉

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Now as the second part of the Experience Technology module we are exploring new territories, more specifically technology that’s physical. This means that we got some technological items from Hyper Island, that we will use in building something cool that we’ll then have at an exhibition at the school in a couple weeks. Will be really interesting to see what people come up with. Atleast I know I’m super hyped. Cool!