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Revolt, actionscript 3 based spectrum analyzer source released

·3 mins

I have decided to release the source code for Revolt, a flash spectrum analyzer I made back in July 2006 (jeesh, the time flies!). I know I’m a bit late, but you know, it’s 2007, it’s time for actionscript 3!. I will also consider this as my really late Christmas present to you, my dear readers, so don’t expect any candy after this, ok? Good 😄

The image below is a screenshot from it.

Revolt visualizer screenshot

Anyway, actionscript 3 is really cool and compared to actionscript 2 even more logical and structured. I can definitely recommend anybody working more or less professionally with flash to take a look at it. If you know actionscript 2 and words like “oop”, “encapsulation” and “polymorphism” don’t sound like hebrew, it won’t be hard to get into it. Ok, I know Flash 9 isn’t out yet (the beta is), but will be soon, and the penetration of the flash 9 player is growing day by day (View stats), so we can quite safely start using it soon. Too bad I just haven’t had time to play with it more.

I could also mention one thing I found after switching to mac: the public beta does not work on intel macs. It runs, but crashes when publishing (some java thing). That sucks. Luckily as this mac has a heart (or brain?) made by intel it will run Microsoft’s Windows without problems. As I mentioned I haven’t had time to play that much with actionscript 3 recently, but found out that using the beta under windows with Parallels Desktop is really handy, and almost as good as under OS X (if not even better, as it’s even faster than Flash 8 under OS X (this being since it’s not a universal binary to you who have lived under a rock the whole 2006)). When using Parallels in coherence mode I can use the Flash 9 alpha preview just like Flash 8. Sweet!

Music visualizer with lines

Anyway, I’m sure you’re not reading this to find out how I work. You want the source, the good stuff. The bits and pieces that build up the project I like to call “Revolt”. Fine, I won’t keep you waiting.

Dowload the revolt source files

What this does is that it analyzes the frequencies of a mp3 file and visualizes it using presets that consist of different combinations of so called drawers, effects and scalers. It comes with 6 presets built in and making your own is really easy, since the engine is done. View the source of a preset and give it a try!

As with some previous source I’ve released, this goes out under the CreativeCommons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 license.

I have to mention that the song is not included with the download. This is due to copyright issues. Just put any mp3 in the same folder and rename it to song.mp3 (or change the path/filename in the .fla) and it’ll work just fine.

Now what are you waiting for? I want links to your cool visualizers! 😜